Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Growing in the Garden

Hello Friends!
This afternoon we visited the garden for the first time!  The kinders met Farmer Amy and Farmer Katie, and learned about the expectations in the garden: calm body, listening when someone is speaking, respect all living things, and don't "yuck someone else's yum".  
Kindergarten friends sitting patiently in the garden
We met on the stumps, listened to the expectations, and then were split into groups.  
My group's garden finds
Each group was given a set of color cards and a basket.  Our job was to find something from the garden that matched each color card.  My group found a purple flower, an orange tomato, a green leaf, a pink flower, and a red raspberry.  We used calm bodies when we walked through the garden and only picked a little bit of what we needed.

Next came the most fun (and tasty!) part of our garden experience.  The class was split into two groups, one with Farmer Amy and the other with Farmer Katie. 

Delicious ingredients
 We made Vegetable Faces from a whole wheat tortilla, a smear of hummus, and then used fresh veggies from our garden to make cute faces.  We used carrots, beets, onions, kale, tomatoes, and lemon cucumbers and got creative!
Our silly veggie faces

After leaving the Veggie Faces we discovered other yummy edibles in our garden.  We tasted dinosaur kale, kohlrabi, and tomatillos, as well as beautify flowers and even fall pumpkins!  Our last expectation "don't yuck someone else's yum" was tricky, but we were able to keep our opinions about the new foods to ourselves,  I was so proud of the kindergarteners for practicing this so well!
The kindergarteners LOVED their first garden experience and we cannot wait for our next lesson!

Mrs. Griffith

PS: See below for a few more pictures from our garden!

Delicious dinosaur kale

1 comment:

  1. I love that my kiddo gets a chance to see a garden! Living in very limited outdoor space it's a great chance for him to see where and how food is grown! I love Lowells garden!
