Thursday, September 24, 2015

Field Trips on the Horizon

The following field trips will be happening 
in the month of October:
Field Trips
Bus Safety ~Thursday, Oct. 1st
For this field trip we will be watching a presentation from Beach Transportation regarding school bus rules and safety.  After the presentation we will take a short bus ride through our neighborhood (less than 5 minutes, but kiddos love it! J) Chaperones are not needed for this short trip.

Fire Station ~Friday, Oct. 9th
We will be visiting Missoula Fire Station #1 located on Pine St. This is an annual kindergarten field trip that is always fun!  We watch presentations given by local firefighters and even get to sit in a REAL fire truck.  All registered and background-checked chaperones are welcome!

Pumpkin Patch ~Wednesday, Oct. 14th
For this field trip we will visit the pumpkin patch located outside of the Missoula Alliance Church next to our friends at Chief Charlo Elementary!  While we are there will learn about pumpkins and even get to try some yummy pumpkin treats.  All registered and background-checked chaperones are welcome!

Hoping to Chaperone?

With field trips on the horizon, kindergarten is going to be needing chaperones!  If you are interested in chaperoning visit to register as a volunteer; all chaperones will need to pass a background check as well.  Please get started with this process as soon as possible as it may take a few days.
I hope that you can join us!

Mrs. Griffith

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