Friday, September 11, 2015

Full Marble Jar = Popsicle Party!

Happy Friday!

Something exciting happened for the first time on Wednesday....we filled our marble jar all the way up to the tippy-top!  The class earns marbles in the jar when they are making the teacher proud!  We put marbles in the jar when friends are following directions, listening quietly, or are doing their best work.  Wednesday we put the last 3 marbles in the jar and took a vote.  Did we want a PJ party or a popsicle party? The majority voted for popsicles, which worked out perfect because we got to enjoy one of the last warm and sunny days of summer outside while we ate our treat!
Give your kinder a huge pat on the back for working so hard and being awesome!
(We also do a cute little cheer each time we put a marble in the jar, ask to see it!)

You may wonder, what about the Bobcat Bucks?  We earn Bobcat Bucks in other parts of the school and collect them in a jar, but in our classroom we earn marbles! (This helps the Bucks keep their novelty and remain a motivator throughout the entire year!)

Have a fabulous weekend!
Mrs. Griffith

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