Thursday, March 3, 2016

DEAR and 80s!

Our class during Drop Everything and Read in honor of Dr. Seuss's Birthday
We have had a blast dressing up and celebrating Read Across America Week here in kindergarten.  My intention was to post yesterday but we had such a great time during Wanna Sleep Wednesday that my post was delayed!  Here is an update:

In honor of Dr.Seuss's birthday yesterday all of the kids in Lowell School dropped what they were doing and grabbed some books to read! It was an amazing sight to see, the halls were filled with students enjoying reading books. Happy (Belated) Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Jenny, Jenny You're the Girl for Me! 867-5309 addition!

Pop Rocks adjectives writing, this project was SWEET!
Today was a fun Throwback Thursday to the 80s theme!  We rocked out and had a fabulous 80s dance party.  Then we completed some totally tubular assignments that coordinated with songs like "Jenny (867-5309)" and even learned about adjectives using Pop Rocks candy!  We have had a fun throwback to the 80s to say the least!

Mrs. Griffith

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