Friday, March 25, 2016

Catching Up

I apologize for the time that has past as it has been quite a while since my last post!  We have been busy with an author study of Mo Willems.  This award winning children's author is the person responsible for the hilarious Pigeon and Elephant & Piggie books!  He also wrote and illustrated Knuffle Bunny, Knuffle Bunny Too, and Knuffle Bunny Free all dedicated and based on adventures with his daughter Trixie.  We have had so much fun exploring, comparing, and contrasting some of these great books.  We even completed a project based on the Pigeon character from The Pigeon Needs a Bath, Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late, and Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.  Below are some photographs to catch you up on new things in classroom!

One of our friends practicing chapter book reading!

Using rulers to measure in inches and centimeters.
The whole class LOVED using rulers and learning
about measurement.

Just a few of our favorite Mo Willems books that were part of our author study!

Our Pigeon craft using crepe paper and plates.

Learning about subtraction with a nursery rhyme.
One of our friends demonstrates how to use a
"Wiggle Stool", one of the new furniture options
that might be in our new school!

One of our classmates using the Wiggle Stool.
It requires the student to engage their core muscles
and is perfect for kindergartners, helping them
focus on learning.

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