Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Puppet Show

Happy Wednesday!

Frank the Firefighter teaching us about fire drills
Today all of the kindergarten classes were treated to a fun fire-safety themed puppet show!  Local Missoula firefighters came in to our classroom to perform and teach us about fire safety.
Frank the Firefighter asked us to practice a fire drill at our homes and create a fire plan with our families.  To create a fire plan talk about two different exits that can be used to leave your residence and get outside to a safe meeting place. Practice leaving your home in a fire drill and check all of the smoke alarms!

Orange Juice sang us a song about getting low and crawling under smoke.
We learned that smoke is a poison so we should cover our nose and mouth and "get low and go!"

Texas Cactus Pete taught us an important lesson--kids should play with toys, not tools.  Matches and lighters are tools that need to be used safely and if a kiddo finds them they should tell a safe adult.

We also practiced STOP DROP and ROLL, fire safety is our goal!

Ask your kinder about their favorite parts of the show!

Mrs. Griffith

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