Monday, October 12, 2015

Fire Station, Pumpkin Week, and NO SCHOOL...Oh My!

Good Afternoon!

Last Friday we had our first field trip to the fire station.  We got to see a real fire truck, sit inside and look at all of the tools that firefighters use to keep us safe.  Our fireman teacher even showed us all of his cool gear that he wears to keep himself safe.  After we had seen the truck, gear, and tools, our fireman teacher took us into the living quarters of the fire station.  Our class got to see where firefighters sleep, spend their extra time, and even cook!  (He said that they are known for setting off the smoke alarm when they cook, how ironic!) I took some awesome pictures of our experience and will post them at a later date!

On another note, this week is PUMPKIN PALOOZA, so be on the lookout for all things pumpkin-themed!  We will be completing pumpkin projects, doing pumpkin science, and bringing home pumpkin books.  Remember, there is NO SCHOOL Thursday and Friday of this week.

Mrs. Griffith

PS: The class earned a pajama party, so send your kinder in their favorite pajamas or comfy clothes on Tuesday, 10/13!

1 comment:

  1. Caden, had so much fun at the pumpkin patch! He did say he was surprised that you didn't drive the school bus lol!
