Monday, October 26, 2015

Hat Day!

Good Morning!

Today kicks off National Red Ribbon Week!  Our theme for today is Hat's Off to Red Ribbon Week, so we wore hats to school.  Our goal was 90% and we came in at.....86% with hats!  That is soooo close!  I am so proud that so many students are showing support for being drug free.  Tomorrow is crazy sock day, and I cannot wait to see how many friends participate!

Mrs. Griffith

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

National Red Ribbon Week

Happy Wednesday!

Next week is an exciting week for Lowell Elementary School!  It is national Red Ribbon Week!  Red Ribbon Week is an annual recognition of keeping our students healthy and substance free.  Each day we will be dressing up according to a theme for the day to show our support.  My goal is to have at least 90% participation on all days, and I know that we can meet that goal!

Monday: Hats Off to Red Ribbon Week  Wear a hat to school
Tuesday: From head to Toe, I am Drug Free!   Wear crazy socks
Wednesday: Your Choices are the Key to Your Dreams  Wear pajamas
Thursday: Voting for My Future to be Drug Free   Wear red, white, and blue
Friday: Spook Out Drugs!  Bring your costume in a bag or backpack to school

This is always a fun week for students and staff here at Lowell Elementary!

Mrs. Griffith

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fire Station, Pumpkin Week, and NO SCHOOL...Oh My!

Good Afternoon!

Last Friday we had our first field trip to the fire station.  We got to see a real fire truck, sit inside and look at all of the tools that firefighters use to keep us safe.  Our fireman teacher even showed us all of his cool gear that he wears to keep himself safe.  After we had seen the truck, gear, and tools, our fireman teacher took us into the living quarters of the fire station.  Our class got to see where firefighters sleep, spend their extra time, and even cook!  (He said that they are known for setting off the smoke alarm when they cook, how ironic!) I took some awesome pictures of our experience and will post them at a later date!

On another note, this week is PUMPKIN PALOOZA, so be on the lookout for all things pumpkin-themed!  We will be completing pumpkin projects, doing pumpkin science, and bringing home pumpkin books.  Remember, there is NO SCHOOL Thursday and Friday of this week.

Mrs. Griffith

PS: The class earned a pajama party, so send your kinder in their favorite pajamas or comfy clothes on Tuesday, 10/13!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Puppet Show

Happy Wednesday!

Frank the Firefighter teaching us about fire drills
Today all of the kindergarten classes were treated to a fun fire-safety themed puppet show!  Local Missoula firefighters came in to our classroom to perform and teach us about fire safety.
Frank the Firefighter asked us to practice a fire drill at our homes and create a fire plan with our families.  To create a fire plan talk about two different exits that can be used to leave your residence and get outside to a safe meeting place. Practice leaving your home in a fire drill and check all of the smoke alarms!

Orange Juice sang us a song about getting low and crawling under smoke.
We learned that smoke is a poison so we should cover our nose and mouth and "get low and go!"

Texas Cactus Pete taught us an important lesson--kids should play with toys, not tools.  Matches and lighters are tools that need to be used safely and if a kiddo finds them they should tell a safe adult.

We also practiced STOP DROP and ROLL, fire safety is our goal!

Ask your kinder about their favorite parts of the show!

Mrs. Griffith

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall Garden Fun

Hello Families!
Our vegetable ingredients
for soup

Today was our last lesson in the garden for the fall!  The Turtle Team enjoyed working with Farmer Katie and Farmer Clara.  They cut up vegetables to make a yummy fall soup and even got a chance to sample some new vegetables in the garden!

Safe vegetable chopping
using the crinkle cutters
Kiddos used crinkle cutters to help chop carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, and even smashed garlic to throw into the soup pot.  The vegetable soup that our kindergartners made today will be cooked overnight by Farmer Katie and delivered to Paxson Elementary School for tasting by their 3rd grade classes.  We also got a chance to warm our bellies with yummy soup-- and though it was cooked by Farmer Katie, the veggies were grown here in our Lowell garden and prepared by our very own 3rd graders in Mrs. Notti's and Mrs. Robinson's classes.

Farmer Clara
helping us taste
goodies from the
Ms. Clara who is the fearless leader of our Lowell Flagship Program put on her farmer hat and turned into Farmer Clara for our garden lesson today!  She helped students observe the changes happening in the garden, and cut up samples for everyone to try.  We tasted tomatillos, sweet peppers, basil and tomato (together in one bite!), and sweet peppers, just to name a few!

Our yummy garden vegetable soup

We had so much fun in our garden this fall and look forward to our spring garden lessons!

Just a friendly reminder, Smart Schools 2020 Open House on Thursday, Oct. 8th from 6-7pm in the Lowell Elementary School gym & field trip to the Fire Station on Friday, Oct. 9th from 9:45am-11:00am.  Please be sure to dress your kiddo in sneakers and weather-appropriate clothing!

Mrs. Griffith

PS: we will have a surprise coming to our classroom tomorrow!  A Fire Safety Puppet Show put on by local Missoula firefighters but is a surprise!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Kindergarten is Smelling Cider-rific!

Happy Friday!

You see a tote full of blocks,
we see a table for apple cider! :)
Things are heating up in here in kindergarten!  We busted out the Crock Pot and starting warming our apple cider this morning.

Yummy apple cider!
A few ingredients were sprinkled into the pot, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, a touch of brown sugar, two cut up granny smith apples, and lots
of yummy unfiltered apple cider juice.  Each kiddo is taking a turn stirring the cider while it perfumes our whole class with the smells of fall!

After it "cooks" all day we will take a sip!  Ask your kinder if it was yucky or yummy!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs. Griffith