Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

First we sorted our candies
into their columns...
...then we removed the candies
and colored in our graph.
I hope everyone had a fabulous three day weekend!  I wanted to post about our Valentine's Day on Friday, but I was having some technical difficulties so here it is today!
 All throughout the day we did bits and pieces of a "party", concluding with opening cards from our classmates and enjoying a small treat.  We started the day with a pink number morning job and then read Amelia Bedelia's First Valentine.  From there we danced our hearts out with a game of Freeze Dance and practiced our boogie for the school-wide dance party.  Then we used a variety of materials to decorate valentine bags.  While the glue on our bags dried we used conversation heart candies to practice our graphing skills during a sweet math lesson.
Some of the great cards and treats from
After lunch our bags were ready to go and we passed out our Valentine cards to each of our friends.  The thank yous  and excited squeals coming from every part of the room would melt your heart!  These kiddos truly care for one another and were delighted to receive their cards and treats.  The day wrapped up with the entire school boogyin

g down during the Valentine Dance Party in the gym!

All in all the day was super successful and fun!

Mrs. Griffith

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