Monday, August 31, 2015

First Full Day is in the Books!

Happy Monday!

Our first full day of kindergarten is officially over, and boy was it fabulous!  The kiddos began ABC Bootcamp, learning about the letter Aa.  We learned its' sound, its' Zoo friend representative, made a chart of A words and even practiced writing upper and lower case.  We also learned lots of new routines and expectations.

The kiddos even got to visit the Lowell Elementary library for the first time and listened to a story read by the librarian.

I am hoping for another great day tomorrow as we continue our kindergarten adventures!

Psssttt....don't forget to bring your PE shoes!


Mrs. Griffith

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Welcome to Mrs. Griffith's kindergarten!
I am so excited to to have a new batch of kindergartners in my classroom this year!  We will have so much fun making new friends and learning new things.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns throughout the school year.

A few reminders....
...please complete and send all paperwork back as soon as possible.
...Thursdays are early out, dismissal is at 2pm.
...the beginning of school can create anxiety and uneasy feelings in new kinder kiddos.  I PROMISE that these will soon wain and that you have probably cried more tears than they have! :)
...your child will probably come home starving for the first few weeks of school!  The experience in the cafeteria is often sensory overload and they will eat very little.  They will also rush through eating their lunch in an effort to run outside and play, this will diminish after they have learned all of the lunch routines and the novelty wears off.

I am looking forward to a fabulous school year!

Love, Mrs. Griffith